Scrambler Fever 2020
2020 was strange in many ways. Without getting into politics, conspiracy theories and human tragedies related to the ?Plague? it must be said openly that it was hard. Due to the lockdown, many companies stopped, many people lost their jobs, and almost all events were canceled or simply afraid to organize.
We decided not to give up, even though it was not sure until the very end whether the officials would ease the restrictions and whether it would be possible to meet normally again. The campsite and the date were booked for a long time, the route was marked and pre-described. Fortunately, the sponsors and partners of the event did not withdraw either.
A few days before the event, the restrictions were lifted and it was possible to get to work hard. We had very little time to complete everything, but as you can see in the photos it worked and how! The starting number plates, gate and other gadgets arrived on time .. but one more problem remained.
A large group from Germany was preparing for the rally, and the borders for tourists were still closed. Their opening was planned for the day of the end of our event ... We had to come up with something on the run so that they could join us.
Strange times .. over 30 years ago everyone wanted to flee Poland to the west. This time, one girl and a dozen guys wanted to escape from Germany to Poland. :) The whole operation required a bit of a hassle, but this time it was also successful and on Thursday evening we had a cold beer together.
Traditionally, Thursday is a chillout and getting ready for the Friday rally. That day, the weather turned bad from the very morning. The sun disappeared behind the clouds and the rain began to drizzle from the sky. The air was warm, so the water evaporated quickly and turned into a mist ..
The participants flocked throughout the day. This time there were a lot of new faces and many interesting bikes. Even 2 Junaks came, the real old ones .. :)
We still had to check and mark the route, and for those willing, BMW Motorrad Poland provided 6 demos from the R9T series for test rides. The weather was not encouraging, but a few daredevils chased Beemer around the beautiful surroundings and returned with a banana on their face.
There was a shop with scrambler gadgets and Motul oils too.
For stationary chillers, the team from Broger Moto organized Beer-Pong, a ping pong drenched with beer. In the evening it got better and we managed to display slides from previous SF editions. The fires were burning late.
sinked bikes
Piątkowy ranek przywitał nas słońcem, więc humory dopisywały. Nie było ani za ciepło ani za zimno ? po prostu idealnie, aby swobodnie dzidować przez przepiękne tereny Drawskiego Parku Krajobrazowego.
Standardowo uczestników wypuszczaliśmy co parę minut. Po drodze, jak zwykle, czekały na rajdowców różne zadania i próby. Jednym z nich była ?czasówka? na torze motocrossowym w Niwce. Tor świetnie przygotowany, lecz najeżony kilkoma błotnymi pułapkami, sprawił wszystkim sporo frajdy. Nie obyło się bez gleb. Najbardziej spektakularne ?paciaki? znajdziecie uwiecznione w galerii.
Prócz tego było motocyklowe Koło Fortuny, balansowanie na motocyklu trialowym i .. sprawdzanie rozmiaru stanika. Tja, takie rzeczy tylko u nas!
Trasa miała ok 70km jednak przerysowując ją na roadbook'a zrobiliśmy babola, przez co niektórzy nakręcili trochę więcej kilometrów. :)
Tym razem z trasy zebraliśmy 5 zesputych maszyn. Jedna z nich należała do Mariusza, który przyjechał na imprezę z Podlasia. Gdy zostawiał sprzęt u rolnika, aby na kleszcza dalej uczestniczyć w rajdzie, ten ugościł go jak rodzinę. ?Bo u was straszna bieda tam na wschodzie.. Oglądamy często ?Rolnicy z Podlasia, więc wiemy jak jest? - zwierzył się na odchodne gospodarz. :)
Podsumowując..dzień był pełen samych pozytywnych emocji.
Friday morning greeted us with the sun, so the mood was good. Was it neither too warm nor too cold, just perfect to freely enter the beautiful areas of the Drawsko Landscape Park.
As always, we released participants every few minutes. Along the way, as usual, various tasks and trials awaited the riders. One of them was theb time trial on the motocross track in Niwka. The track was well prepared, but with a few mud traps, it was a lot of fun for everyone. It was not without soil. The most spectacular falls you will find immortalized in the gallery.
In addition, there was a motorcycle Fortune Wheel, balancing on a trial motorcycle and .. checking the size of the bra. Yeah, such things only with us!
The route was about 70km, but redrawing it for a roadbook we made a mistake, which made some of them a little more kilometers. :)
This time, we collected 5 broken machines from the route. One of them belonged to Mariusz, who came to the party from Podlasie (far far east of Poland). When he left the broken bike by the farmer to continue the tick rally as apassanger, he welcomed him like a family. ? Because you have terrible poverty there in the east .. We watch often ?Farmers from Podlasie?so we know what it is like there - confessed the host when he was leaving. :)
Summing up ... the day was full of positive emotions.
On Saturday, after breakfast, divided into 2 groups, we went on an over 100 km long tramp. Everyone got a track of the route in case they got lost and hey ahead!
Through the tank training ground, field and forest paths, we reached the old military airport in Broczyno, where drift teams burned old BMW and Opel cars. We watched their show and then hit the road further. Halfway, obligatory swimming in the lake and ride again through the wilderness.
In the afternoon, we drove down to the base camp, where lunch was already waiting. Who has had little driving he could burn new scramblers that were waiting politely at the BMW booth.
In the evening, we handed out the prizes and went tango! Oh it happened, it happened! And who was not let regret!
On Sunday, who could and had to go home. A few people decided to extend the long weekend for one more day, not wanting to stand in traffic jams.
Summarizing everything in retrospect, we are MEGA glad that we managed to get everything done and Scrambler Fever 2020 just took place. It was one of the few motorcycle events organized this year in Poland and even in Europe. The participants were fine, so was the weather, so what more could you ask for? Are you sure one? that we will all see you at the sixth edition in 2021 !!
High five !!
Special thanks to:
Red Hot Chili Customs
BMW Motorrad Polska
Motorcycle Storehouse
Broger Moto